How to do phased deployments in a cloud native world?
Back in the days when we had SCCM, we could easily setup phased deployments. In a cloud native world these controls are missing, but we can create phased deployments based (dynamic) groups.
In this blog post I will show you how to set it up and use it.
First of we need to create groups that contains the devices for each phase. You can of course fill those groups manually, but in larger environments Dynamic Groups will be a better option. We will use the first character of the DeviceId in our dynamic query to select the devices per group.
Keep in mind that the DeviceId is containing hexadecimal characters, so that means 16 options (0 till F) per character. How big you want to make the groups is up to you, but I have chosen for a group for each first character, so 16 groups. With 16 group you have around 6.25% of your devices per group. Of course this is a bit depending on the size of the environment, for 60K+ clients environment the distribution looks as follows:
You could of course also use 2 starting characters per group, giving you groups of ~ 12,5%.The query we will use for the first group is: (device.deviceId -startsWith "0")
Creating a Dynamic Group
In Intune go to Groups and click "New Group"
- Enter a name, description and select "Dynamic Device" as Membership type.
- Next click on "Add dynamic query", next enter the query by selecting:
- Property : deviceId
- Operator : Start With
- Value : 0
- Click "+ Add expression" and click save.
Now we have created the phased deployment groups, you might want to create 2 additional groups where you assign the devices directly:
- A group to hold devices that you want to do the first tests on, let's call this the Canary group.
- A group to hold the devices of VIP users that should be last (or maybe first) in the deployment.
The approach
There are a number of options how to configure a phased deployment. But the basics are; How many phases do you want, how many days between the phases and does it need to go to all your devices or only specific groups in the end.
Application Deployment
Let's start with applications. If the end goal is to target all devices, you can use "Availability" to control when the app should start deploying to the specified group.
When you use this option make sure you select the correct Time zone.
In the above example the application is deployed only to all devices of NL if they are also in the phase00 and phase01 groups (the groups that are not in the list). Next phases are started after you remove the phases groups, an action that you should do every couple of days based on your preferred schedule. At the end you will only have the assignment for the all NL devices left.
Profile/Policy Deployment
The deployment of profiles or policies requires the same kind of effort as the deployment to a specific group, but there are two options:
Add the phased groups as include assignments, in the example below the profile is assigned to the Canary devices and the devices in the first two phased groups. In the interval you want, add the additional phased groups. When the last phased groups would be added just remove all assignment and add the final target group.
The other option is to set the assignment up in the same way you would do when you deploy an app to a specific group. So, include the final target group and exclude all phased groups and the VIP group. Now you need to remove the phased groups from the exclusion in interval you prefer.
If you are moving from an old to a new policy, don't forget to exclude the groups you include in the new policy on the old one.
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